Student BayPass Pilot Program

Additionally, UC Berkeley students who self-identified as low-income and were provided BayPass took 23% more public transit trips than low-income students who only had access to AC Transit EasyPass.

BayPass Pilot Update

We are continuing the pilot for the BayPass program, but are not accepting requests or applications to participate in the BayPass Pilot for the 2024-25 school year at this time. Students may inquire with the Class Pass Committee and the ASUC for Guidance for advocacy once the pilot is over.

Joint UAW-UC Statement Regarding Settlement of Clipper BayPass Pilot Grievance

The United Auto Workers (UAW) and the University of California, Berkeley have a mutual goal of reducing the carbon footprint of the UC community and improving access to transit. The University and the Union believe the MTC Clipper BayPass pilot program is an important step towards achieving this goal. Both parties are committed to exploring ways to expand BayPass or a similar program. 

To that end, on July 10th, the parties reached a settlement to resolve the Union’s grievances regarding BayPass pilot implementation at UC Berkeley. Highlights of the settlement include that student study participants will continue in the BayPass pilot through the end of the program; UC Berkeley and UAW will jointly meet with MTC to discuss expanding Bay Area transit options for the UC Berkeley community; and the parties will negotiate over expanding transit options via the MTC Clipper BayPass (or similar program) at UCB

For media inquiries, please contact Janet Gilmore at on behalf of UC Berkeley and Connor Jackson at on behalf of UAW Local 2865.