Micromobility at Cal!


Secure Bike Parking 

UC Berkeley’s Parking & Transportation Department has installed three secure and covered bicycle parking facilities on campus, for use by UC affiliates. This program is offered free of charge on a first come, first served basis.

Secure Bicycle Parking provides added security for your bicycle with:

  • Access with a cal1 card.

  • Parking enforcement patrols during business hours.

  • Observation by parking attendants in facilities within parking lots on weekdays. 

  • Two covered facilities located in campus parking areas you can view on this map(link is external)(link is external)(link is external):

  • Personal Scooter Parking is Available at Bancroft Structure Only.

Bike Lockers

There are 14 secure bike lockers on campus:

  • Four at Hilgard Hall (Opposite the MRI Lab)
  • Four at Genetics and Plant Biology Building (East Side by Morgan Hall)
  • Four at McCone Hall
  • Two at Rec Sports Facility (RSF).  At RSF the lockers are on the Bancroft side of the building. 

To access the lockers:

  • Sign up for a Bike Link membership card. Membership is free but you need to put $20 on the card to activate it. 
  • Show up at a locker, insert your member card, and the door will open.  The cost is $0.05 per hour; eight hours will cost $0.40). 

TIP: If you reserve the locker for five hours but only use two, you will be refunded for the time you did not use. 

TIP: These lockers can be found throughout the Bay Area!. Check it out.

Bike lockers funded by Bay Area Quality Management.

Locking Tips

Always lock your bike to a bicycle rack. Use a high-quality “U” shaped lock. Avoid using lightweight cables or chains, or low quality U-locks. Always attach your bicycle to the rack through the frame and both wheels. Lock all easily detachable parts or take them with you. Avoid leaving your bicycle locked outside overnight. Check the lock before departing to ensure it is secured.

Baywheels Student Memberships

  • Undergraduate and Graduate Students (includes Student Employees) can participate in a month-to-month program for $134/year
  • EOP Students can obtain a yearly $5 membership for free (and $5/month after one year). Contact your EOP Counselor for more details

Staff and Faculty BayWheels Memberships

BayWheels is offered for staff:

2850 Telegraph Employees 

Suspended until further notice. Employees are encouraged to renew memberships under the all-employee program, below.

All other Employees Qualify for a partially subsidized membership.

Each member pays $70 for a membership (P&T pays the other $70), and gives you the same full benefits that all Baywheels members use. Student Employees under the ASE are eligible for this program; all other student employees must use the student program.

To receive a code, please fill out the online form (there is a form also to your left) and P&T will respond in five business days.

Bike Maps


City of Berkeley:

Additional Campus Secure Bike Parking

Campus LocationFacility Description
Berkeley Way WestDedicated, card-access only bike room for bikes and scooters for Berkeley Way West occupants only.
BAMPFASmall secured bike room on Addison Street for BAMPFA staff and student employees. Lots of unsecured bike parking on the Addison Street side of the building and on Center Street.
Doe LibraryOne indoor bike parking area in Doe for Library staff only. All bike student parking is located at racks around the library.
Stanley HallOne secured indoor bike room. Restricted use to faculty, staff, and students working in an assigned lab in the building, and it must be approved by the principal investigator to whom the staff or student reports.
BioEnginuity Hub/Woo Hon FaiOne secure bike room only for occupants of the building.
Tang CenterOne bike cage for staff that requires a security code. If students don't have a bike lock we have some at the information center in our lobby and loan them out. They never have to worry about it being stolen, as our bike racks are within sight of our SPO and locks are available.
Units 1 and 2, Martinez Commons, and Blackwell HallEach location has its own bike storage and only residents can gain access via key or fob. If a student is in need of storage they are to go to the front office (Unit Office) show a Cal ID at that time they will be given a key (no cost unless it is lost).

FixIt Stations

Need to air up a tire? Change a flat? True your wheel? There are two convenient repair stations located on campus at University Hall and in the Rec Sports parking garage bike cage. The University Hall station is located just inside the entry doors. The doors have an automatic opener allowing ease of access with your bike. The building is open approximately 6:45 am to 6:00 pm., Monday through Friday. The RSF garage station is open 24 hours a day but is only accessible to those with a secure bicycle parking access code.