Effective April 2, AC Transit transitioned from NextBus to ACT RealTime, AC Transit’s new real-time bus information system. The creation of the new system allows users to better predict real-time arrivals (now every 15 seconds) as well as an improved map interface for better use.
Find out more about ACT Realtime here. Contact AC Transit for any questions or issues.
How can I access ACT RealTime Data?
Simple. By either using their website, or by using the Transit App (Google Play or App Store). Phone users can try this link for a mobile version.
How does this impact NextBus Use?
AC Transit will continue to use NextBus until April 20, 2019, after which all real-time information will be used on the ACT Real-time platform or Transit App, and with Google Maps and Apple Maps. NextBus will no longer support AC Transit real-time information through their app and platform.
Can I still use NextBus for Bear Transit Schedule Information?
Bear Transit Schedules will continue to be used on the NextBus platform, but can also be accessed with other apps like Transit App, Moovit, and CityMapper as well as Google Maps and Apple Maps.
Real-time information for Bear Transit is also available through the UC Berkeley Mobile App!